List of Inquiries Regarding Facilities

How to use the Bulletin Board

In case you would like to post information regarding international exchange on the bulletin board, please come to the main service counter.

Anyone registered with a user card can use the bulletin board. However, as there are some requirements for using the board, please contact us after reading this information.


I want to hold an exhibition at the center. Can I borrow a location or facility?

At the Asahikawa International Center we allow the borrowing of “Exhibition/Exchange Spaces.” International exchange and consumer lifestyle events, conventions, marriage counseling, public center activities/ public exhibitions, exchange, and public awareness events can be put on freely. However, please be aware that we do not allow use for commercial purposes. Use of the space is free as is use of equipment.

In any case there is a specific application form, so please contact us using the following information.


Can I use the Internet?

Along with providing free Internet access, Asahikawa International Center also has wireless WiFi support. Please be aware that both are available only during the facility’s hours of operation. Also, in order to use the Internet, registration with the center for a “user card” is required. Registration is free. As registration only takes a few minutes, please come to the Information Counter.  


I want to distribute leaflets at the Asahikawa International Center.

The Asahikawa International Center is a common facility in Asahikawa. For that reason, items posted in the information corner include citizens’ activities with an emphasis on international exchange and foreign resident support. Please be aware that we will not accept fliers for commercial purposes, political or religious materials. 


I would like to use the common meeting rooms.


In regards to the Asahikawa International Center’s common meeting rooms, please read these terms and contact us.

Generally, we lend to groups connected to the City of Asahikawa and citizens’ international exchange groups. As there are some conditions for use, please let us know the name of your organization and purpose for use. Depending upon the situation, we may not be able to allow use of the common meeting rooms.

※Please be aware that we cannot extend the use of common meeting rooms to sales meetings for commercial purposes and regular company meetings and events.

Please view this information regarding use of the common meeting rooms. 


Do you have books where I can learn about foreign countries?

At Asahikawa International Center we have a variety of newspapers, magazines and books available for viewing. (Reference URL: Newspapers/Books/DVD Corner/American Corner)

Also, in addition to newsletters published by international exchange and cooperation groups, we have magazines, newspapers and travel guides to help one learn more about international affairs. With some exceptions, books are available for borrowing. Please come and visit.