AIC Volunteers

Information about Volunteers

International Volunteers

Information on registering as an International Volunteer (volunteer guides, homestay volunteers, event planning volunteers).

Purpose & Aim

This program encourages positive participation by all citizens in various kinds of international exchange activities, which facilitate cross-cultural understanding and friendship bonds between foreigners and Japanese. This program’s aim is to promote international and cross-cultural understanding on a citizen level.


Program Details

Volunteer Guides

 Volunteers act as interpreters and information guides to foreign visitors as part of various international programs and events organized by Asahikawa City and city based public interest organizations.

Homestay Volunteers

Homestay volunteers host foreigners in their homes. This program deepens cross-cultural understanding and friendship by offering foreign visitors the opportunity to experience domestic life Japan.

Event Planning Volunteers

Volunteers take on the responsibilities for planning and managing international exchange events sponsored by the AIC.



Volunteer Guides

Ability to speak a foreign language, and display understanding and enthusiasm for cross-cultural communication.

Homestay Volunteers

Have approval and endorsement from the whole family. A household willing to host a foreign visitor accommodatingly.

Event Planning Volunteers

Have understanding of, as well as enthusiasm for cross-cultural and international exchange.


Applying To Register

It’s necessary for all the prescribed application forms to be submitted.



Asahikawa International Committee

Tel:0166-25-7491 Fax:0166-23-4924

or Email:Here



